• Coins Value
  • Four Dollar Gold Pieces

Stella Four Dollars, Early Gold Coins (1879-1880)

Stella Four Dollars, Early Gold Coins (1879-1880)

Coin number: MC231

Description: Early Gold Coins (1879-1880), Designer - Engraver: Charles E Barber, Metal Composition: 85% Gold - 15% Silver and Copper, Diameter: 22 mm, Mass: 7 grams

This is a Proof-only type and was made only for two issue years. The obverse features several numbers which advertise the content of metal in the coin. The word gram is used to for easy reference in a foreign country. The periphery of the design features alternating stars and numbers/letters. The obverse features a star (“stella”) and various inscriptions. Striking is generally strong with the only major concern being the hair of the portrait on the obverse.

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